Thoughts on Winter Frost

It was late last night that I finally got my second collection of images ready. I felt so tired towards the end that it was hard to focus on the text on my computer screen. But damned if I didn’t finish it on this sitting, as I had expected to have it out there already a month go…

Siege (4/6)

As I was already behind schedule, I opted to go with OpenSea again. Although I am very curious about e.g. Algorand, which seems to combine NFTs with eco-friendly activities such as planting trees. I wouldn’t mind donating my proceeds from NFT sales towards mitigating climate change. And speaking of mitigation, you might want to take a look at GoClimate (formerly GoClimateNeutral), which has a very simple emissions calculator and offers a way to offset your personal CO2 footprint via monthly payments.

My first collection of images was very much a ‘Greatest Hits’ type of thing. This time I wanted to tell a story. It was meant as a 5x5 (5 images, 5 copies of each available for sale), but in the end I added a sixth image as a sort of an epilogue.

Emergence (6/6)

When it comes to the overall mood, I have been listening to a lot of Swallow the Sun, Atlas, and Kauan while curating and editing these images. Let’s just take a moment to appreciate what a year 2021 has been at least for metal fans! When tours got canceled, many artists put their energy into writing and recording music. And it shows. Soen, Seven Spires, Leprous, and Cradle of Filth have been killing it!

Hope you enjoy the collection and as I am still very much tipping my toes into NFTs, all good advise is appreciated!


Playing Board Games in 2021


To change behaviour, change the environment